Knitting Basics
Knitting Basics

Mattress stitch
A quick and easy way to sew together panels which results in an invisible seam. Especially good for matching up stripe patterns.
Mattress stitch
A quick and easy way to sew together panels which results in an invisible seam. Especially good for matching up stripe patterns.

How to pick up stitches to knit the next square
A neat way to pick up stitches along a cast-off edge. For the Mystery Blanket this is how you would begin the next square if you are knitting in strips.
How to pick up stitches to knit the next square
A neat way to pick up stitches along a cast-off edge. For the Mystery Blanket this is how you would begin the next square if you are knitting in strips.

How to carry yarns up the side of the work
An easy way to keep the selvedge edges of your knitting neat and tidy when working with multiple yarns.
How to carry yarns up the side of the work
An easy way to keep the selvedge edges of your knitting neat and tidy when working with multiple yarns.